Thursday, 13 December 2012

Sharing is caring!

Cassie: do you want to swap your dentastick for this teeny tiny crocodile teddy?

Morgana: I'll play with the crocodile teddy... right after I finish munching this *evil laugh* *munch munch*

Sisterly love is just precious, Cassie ends up stealing most of Morganas hidden stash of treats anyway but this little face that Cassie pulls just melts my heart! 

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Wordless wednesday

Not quite sure if she is comfortable enough on Cassie's new mattress...

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

The presents have been ordered!

I had a sneaky peek whilst mummy was on the computer today, she couldn't see me because I was hiding underneath a huge pile of blankets but I spied her looking at one of my favorite websites that has lots of pretty clothes. Mummy even measured me so I must be getting something pretty for Christmas, she even measured my paws as well as Cassies, I have no idea why! Cassie has been trying to really get into mummys good book, she's been giving her lots of kisses look...

I hope mummy doesn't fall for it!

Waggly tails!

Monday, 10 December 2012

Monday Mischief: The teddy

Looking at this face you would think that butter wouldn't melt... What she doesn't want you to know is that she has actually ripped a hole in Teddy's stitching and is planning on spreading stuffing everywhere as soon as our backs are turned!

Morgana & Cassies Mummy

Sunday, 9 December 2012

The Christmas Tree

Guess what we have in our living room... our very own tree! When I first saw it my first reaction was to make sure everyone knew it was mine. Apparently this isn't a toilet tree so mum wasn't impressed though I did make her giggle a bit. Check out how pretty I look next to the tree... I'm right there in the corner!

I'm pretty excited because mum says that every time we have a Christmas tree there is usually a puppy under it. I keep looking but its pretty empty at the moment but they keep saying something about presents coming in the post for me soon! I'm being on my best behaviour so hopefully I will get something nice, I'm not so sure about Morgana though... look what she did right after mum took this pretty picture of me!

 She was trying to pull off all the snow from the tree! See how it is kind of blurred, Morgana had been trying to shake the branch with her teeth. It's pretty easy to see who is on the naughty list this year hehe!

Waggly tails!

Cassie Bear

Cold Weather!

Today it was too cold outside so guess what I spent the whole day doing!
Yes, hiding in mummies bed hehehe!

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Funny Pictures!

I saw these pictures and I thought they were so funny, I had to share it with you Teeny Tiny Troubles! I can really relate to the first one, anything I have Morgana and Cassie want.

Cassie's Mummy

Friday, 7 December 2012

The Furry Pillow!

Mummy brought Me and Cassie a furry warm pillow from Pets At Home, I love it! When I jump on it to go to sleep, I sink into it. I am being quite selfish with it though because I won't let Cassie go on it hehehe!  It is really warm especially now it is getting so cold, I now proclaim it as my new bed! It's minnneee! :)

Lots Of Love

Monday, 3 December 2012

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Me, Cassie & The Chicken And Rice ..

Me and Cassie haven't been too well this week we both had bad tummies, but it was ok because when we are sick mummy gives us our favourite food ! Mummy made us chicken , chicken gravy and rice - yummy! Me and Cassie had a competion on who could eat the most chicken, but Cassie was cheeky by carrying and hiding the chicken in the sofa. We are all better now! But we are both refusing to eat our normal dog food, so mummy has to keep making us chicken and rice hehehe!


Saturday, 1 December 2012

Me And The Cuddley Toys

I love when mummy puts teddy bears and cuddley toys on the bed, I get to play hide and seek! I can also make myself a bed to keep warm at night and cuddle the toys. When mummy's not looking, mummy's sister plays with me with the toys on the bed hehehe. Don't tell mummy!

Lots Of Love