Thursday, 13 December 2012

Sharing is caring!

Cassie: do you want to swap your dentastick for this teeny tiny crocodile teddy?

Morgana: I'll play with the crocodile teddy... right after I finish munching this *evil laugh* *munch munch*

Sisterly love is just precious, Cassie ends up stealing most of Morganas hidden stash of treats anyway but this little face that Cassie pulls just melts my heart! 

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Wordless wednesday

Not quite sure if she is comfortable enough on Cassie's new mattress...

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

The presents have been ordered!

I had a sneaky peek whilst mummy was on the computer today, she couldn't see me because I was hiding underneath a huge pile of blankets but I spied her looking at one of my favorite websites that has lots of pretty clothes. Mummy even measured me so I must be getting something pretty for Christmas, she even measured my paws as well as Cassies, I have no idea why! Cassie has been trying to really get into mummys good book, she's been giving her lots of kisses look...

I hope mummy doesn't fall for it!

Waggly tails!

Monday, 10 December 2012

Monday Mischief: The teddy

Looking at this face you would think that butter wouldn't melt... What she doesn't want you to know is that she has actually ripped a hole in Teddy's stitching and is planning on spreading stuffing everywhere as soon as our backs are turned!

Morgana & Cassies Mummy

Sunday, 9 December 2012

The Christmas Tree

Guess what we have in our living room... our very own tree! When I first saw it my first reaction was to make sure everyone knew it was mine. Apparently this isn't a toilet tree so mum wasn't impressed though I did make her giggle a bit. Check out how pretty I look next to the tree... I'm right there in the corner!

I'm pretty excited because mum says that every time we have a Christmas tree there is usually a puppy under it. I keep looking but its pretty empty at the moment but they keep saying something about presents coming in the post for me soon! I'm being on my best behaviour so hopefully I will get something nice, I'm not so sure about Morgana though... look what she did right after mum took this pretty picture of me!

 She was trying to pull off all the snow from the tree! See how it is kind of blurred, Morgana had been trying to shake the branch with her teeth. It's pretty easy to see who is on the naughty list this year hehe!

Waggly tails!

Cassie Bear

Cold Weather!

Today it was too cold outside so guess what I spent the whole day doing!
Yes, hiding in mummies bed hehehe!

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Funny Pictures!

I saw these pictures and I thought they were so funny, I had to share it with you Teeny Tiny Troubles! I can really relate to the first one, anything I have Morgana and Cassie want.

Cassie's Mummy

Friday, 7 December 2012

The Furry Pillow!

Mummy brought Me and Cassie a furry warm pillow from Pets At Home, I love it! When I jump on it to go to sleep, I sink into it. I am being quite selfish with it though because I won't let Cassie go on it hehehe!  It is really warm especially now it is getting so cold, I now proclaim it as my new bed! It's minnneee! :)

Lots Of Love

Monday, 3 December 2012

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Me, Cassie & The Chicken And Rice ..

Me and Cassie haven't been too well this week we both had bad tummies, but it was ok because when we are sick mummy gives us our favourite food ! Mummy made us chicken , chicken gravy and rice - yummy! Me and Cassie had a competion on who could eat the most chicken, but Cassie was cheeky by carrying and hiding the chicken in the sofa. We are all better now! But we are both refusing to eat our normal dog food, so mummy has to keep making us chicken and rice hehehe!


Saturday, 1 December 2012

Me And The Cuddley Toys

I love when mummy puts teddy bears and cuddley toys on the bed, I get to play hide and seek! I can also make myself a bed to keep warm at night and cuddle the toys. When mummy's not looking, mummy's sister plays with me with the toys on the bed hehehe. Don't tell mummy!

Lots Of Love

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Bed and blankets!

So today I was all comfortable with the heating on. I was even lucky enough that the fan heater was on. It really was freezing! Then... the big lady of the house my mums mummy decided to turn it off because she was getting too hot! Mummy was at work so she couldn't let her know that I was super comfy and needed the radiator on because I am a chihuahua and we like it hot.

Then when the heating was off she decided to go even further and take a picture of how I was trying to sleep. I wasn't having any of it so this is what she ended up with. I think she got the message!

Waggly tails!


Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Tuesday News Day!

I found this story online about how Twilight has influenced it's fans into getting dogs that resemble Jacob, however nearly 100 Huskies, 35 Akitas and 16 Malamutes are being handed into rescue centres because the owners arent able to look after the dogs. This article is quite disheartening I must say because the dogs aren't being able to stay in a stable place and they are being treated as if they are an accessory or a toy, if the owner wants a dog they should be able to commit to it. It is sad knowing the number of dogs going into rescue homes.

Have a read at:

Monday, 26 November 2012

Monday Mischief!

Cassie you have got something in your eye..

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Top 10 Doggy Travel Q&A First

I thought because Christmas and half-term is getting close this was very relevant. It's 10 questions and answers of where you can go with your Teeny Teeny Troubles, as well as advice on what to take with you this half-term. I must say, country house hotel Coombe House is very tempting!

It's So Cold!!

It is starting to get very cold as Christmas gets closer so Me and Morgana have to wrap up warm, even when going to bed. We are so cosy and comfortable inside our blankies, mummy has the heating on too!


Lots Of Love

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Poll Results!

This weeks question was...

What do you like to do most with your Teeny Tiny Trouble?
The results are...
Joint 1st place - Cuddles & Walkies...

Friday, 23 November 2012

Schnoodle Has Got The X-Factor...

Today my mummy was browsing the internet and found this website..I honestly think this dog is amazing and they should go on a talent show! They almost act as if they think they are human! Sometime I sing like that to mummy, she thinks I'm cute when I do. But she doesn't appreciate it at 2 o'clock in the morning, but I think it is funny hehehe..


Wednesday, 21 November 2012

You Know Your A Dog Person When..

You Know Your A Dog Person When..

  • It takes an entirely separate garbage can to handle the poop
  • At least three of your five weeks vacation are scheduled around grooming, vaccinations and dental cleaning...all for the dogs! You can only remember people by associating them with their dog
  • You spend more time looking through mail order catalogues for dog supplies than for Victoria's Secret nighties or Miles Kimball gadgets All your social activities revolve around other dog people Your voice is recognized by your vet's receptionist
  • Our children complain that you always take more pictures of the dog than you do of them
  • Any conversation you're having is effortlessly directed back to the topic of dogs You don't think twice about sitting on the floor because both the couch and the chair are completely dog full
  • Your desk proudly displays your canine family
  • Your dog has the best birthday party over and above any kid in the entire neighborhood
  • Your dogs eat only the most nutritionally sound food, while your favorite meal is mac'n cheese
  • You have 32 different names for your dog. Most make no sense, but the dog understands them all.

To see more...

Wordless Wednesday

Morgana No Feel Well..

Today has been a very long and itchy day for me,I must say. First of this morning I woke up feeling different than I  normally do, I felt very itchy and sore, I didn't understand why. I kept scratching then mummy took me downstairs and mummy's sister noticed I was very red and that I wasn't happy. She asked me what was wrong, so I rolled over for her and she saw all my tummy,legs,mouth and eye's had come up in hives. Mummy's sister screamed and told gradma and they took me to the vet straight away.
I was so nervous about going to the vet's because I only go there when I need injections, but today the vet only looked at my skin and told mummy I  had an allergic reaction to something. She gave mummy some cream and medicine to help get rid of it. I don't understand what I could be allergic to because I  haven't eaten anything new, nothing has changed. I am very sore at the moment, I can't stop scratching. Gana's very itchy :(


Lots of love

Monday, 19 November 2012

Monday Mischief

I really have no idea why Cassie keeps hanging around the boxes that have just been delivered. Maybe she wants some puppy pads? Or it could be the huge box of healthy vegetable pig ears that mum has carefully balanced on top of them... I wonder if we will ever find out!

Waggly tails!

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Sunday walkies!

Our favourite day is definitely Sunday. Not only do we get extra time in bed, we also get extra cuddles and when we go for walkies we see lots of our friends. Today we saw a huge german shepherd but mum said we couldn't say hello because he was across a busy street. We did get to see Butla though, he's a big tall cavalier, almost twice the size of Cassie. I always get confused when I see other cavaliers, especially Cassies sister, because they look so much like Cassie but its great when we play... its double the fun!

Today I also got to play with the leaves, recently lots of them have been falling. Its a little strange because usually they fall a lot earlier during mummys birthday. I love running through them and digging up the piles but there isn't enough yet for that. I did make sure I showed mummy every leaf I found though, it took a while but check this one out, its the biggest I could find!

All this leaf searching meant Cassie and grandma had walked off without us. It tends to happen a lot because my legs are pretty tiny and I like to take my time. Today look how far off they were by the time I had finished with the big leaves!

For a chihuahua that is like a runway! When Cassie realised how far back we were she barked lots for me to catch up so she must have missed me after all!

I hope everyone else is enjoying their sunday walkies!

Waggly tail!

Saturday, 17 November 2012

New Poll- What do you like to do most with your teeny tiny trouble?

Hey everyone,

I've added a new poll to find out... 

What do you like to do most with your teeny tiny trouble?

The choices are...

  • Cuddles
  • Walkies
  • Watch a film
  • Play time

You only have a week so get voting!

To vote make sure you click on your favourite choice on the poll just below 'About me'. 

Lil Ted and the vegetable ear

Morgana loves her Lil Ted, its a fact. Wherever Morgana goes Lil Ted always joins her, especially to bed. Besides her teeny tiny tennis ball, Lil Ted is her most loved toy. If Lil Ted isn't with her, we just need to ask her where he is and she runs off to find him.
She usually treats him like a puppy though and this morning I was expecting to find him and Morgana cuddled up against me. It seems Morgana decided to give him an even more important job- keeping her vegetable pigs ear away from Cassie... Seems to have worked so far!

Morganas mummy

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Cassies lazy day

As the weather is so bad and it's raining and really cold, I planned on staying in today doing tricks and training Cassie. But she thought otherwise! Today she decided she was going to have a lazy day and spent the whole day sleeping instead! I honestly believe sometimes she thinks she is human the way she sleeps.
Cassie loves falling asleep on her back, she also barks in her sleep- it is very funny to watch! Cassie sleeps in the most odd position i must say and I wonder if other dogs also sleep like this? ...

Wordless Wednesday- Snuggle

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Well Cavaliers Are Such Teddy Bears

This is a new story I read on BBC News - Mansfield police officers smash window to save toy dog which in all fairness... the teddy does look just like a sleeping cavalier!
A passer-by mistook "Little Willy" for a real dog


Monday, 12 November 2012

Monday Mischief!

Cassie do you know who knocked over the dominoes?

The return of the Teeny Tinys!

Hello all my Teeny Tiny Troubles!

We are so sorry we haven't been able to post anything in a while. Lots of things have been happening at home that we just haven't had time or felt it was right to post anything. However, we just love this blog so much we want to keep it going.
At the end of April this year Snoopy passed away. This was a huge shock to everyone and even though some people thought he was 'just' a hamster, he was the teeniest out of the Tinys. We were grateful that he went quietly in his sleep at the amazing age of 4.5years.
It took everyone a while to accept the fact that Snoopy was gone, mummy was particularly upset because she has trouble sleeping and Snoopy would keep her company at night. Then just when everyone was starting to feel a little better mummy had to go to Portugal to help with the family over there!
By the time mummy got back, mummy had to start her new course (she is trying to become a teacher!) and mummy substitute was starting her A-levels! So when they weren't in school they were at home giving us cuddles whilst working on the computer writing lots of essays.
Now that everything has calmed down a little, mummy and mummys substitue are back with the teeny tinys!

The Tinys
P.S. Mummy substitute is now complaining that she is a substitue for mummy tehe!

Monday, 16 April 2012

Monday mischief, Portugal and no internet!

Hey everyone!

Mummy feels really bad about not being able to write any posts recently so I told her that I would do it for her instead. Some of my pack decided to go on holiday to visit some family but they left me and Cassie here, but don't worry mummy stayed with me and so did one of the other big people. We had lots of fun and did lots of naughty things that we wouldn't usually do when mummy's mum is here like sleep on her bed!

Now even though we had loads of fun and really wanted to tell the world all the naughty things we were up to our internet broke! Something about a lead that looks like a tug toy was needed which we tried to find in the shops but they didn't have it anywhere. On top of this Cassie was on her lady time so she was being a little lady, and I thought 'I' was the only little miss in the house!

Last night Cassie somehow got out of the living room where she usually sleeps and went all the way upstairs to mummy's room! This was at 3am and a girl needs her beauty sleep so I was far from impressed and I had hidden some more bones in mummy's room which I didn't want Cassie finding. Mummy tried to get Cassie downstairs three times before she gave up. Then at 6am Cassie turned into a ninja and I caught her trying to let Snoopy out of his hamster cage!!!

Cassie will do anything to sleep in mummy's room!

Thursday, 5 April 2012


We all know how much Morgana loves her scatchings...but today Cassie really liked having scratchies.

Monday, 26 March 2012

Monday Mischief!

Today me and Morgana decided to spend the day sunbathing in mummys room. We don't go into that room much really, I mean Morgana always seems to hide in there at night but I'm not sure if mummy realises that. Today though we were super sneaky and when it came to bone treat time we both ran all the way upstairs and jumped on her bed hehehehe...

The little human was on holiday today so she decided to come upstairs and keep us company. She was trying to teach us piano, it was real pretty but she kept playing lullabies and before I knew it I was falling asleep!

But as soon as my eyes were closed I felt my bone sense tingling... Morgana had stolen it!

Morgana was pretty pleased with herself... I mean she did have two bones and I didn't have any at all! The human saw though, I mean *I* am her favourite cause I give awesome cuddles, so she distracted Morgana and stole a bone back for me! And not just that she gave me my favourite Robin Hood teddy out of my mummys mini teddy collection (that I'm only allowed to touch when mummys not in the room) to protect it if I fell asleep again :)


Friday, 23 March 2012

Inset day!

Today one of the littler big humans got to stay at home. We got super excited, we always have lots of fun when she stays at home. Cassie tried to lure her onto the sofa so Cassie could use her as a pillow. Check out Cassies cute face...

But I knew what she was playing at, I wanted to have sofa cuddles too. So I pounced on Cassie hehehe... Then we decided to do some singing because we know how much the humans like it. They always make sure a fuss over our beautiful voices!

We got our way in the end, Cassie got the sofa chair and I got the cuddles hehe! And this was just morning trouble making...
